updateEvent method

I’ve finally figured out how to read data into my calendar from my mysql database. I’m struggling trying to figure out how and where to add code to update and add new events. Here’s the code I am using to try to update a record:


$query = "
UPDATE events
SET title=:title, start=:start, end=:end, allDay=:allDay, color=:color
WHERE id=:id";
$statement = $connect->prepare($query);
‘:title’ => $_POST[‘title’],
‘:start’ => $_POST[‘start’],
‘:end’ => $_POST[‘end’],
‘:allDay’ => $_POST[‘allDay’],
‘:color’ => $_POST[‘color’],
‘:id’ => $_POST[‘id’]

I’ve tried to add this on all 3 of the updateEvent sections in the demo below to no avail. I’m not able to find any ‘back end’ documentation and have been struggling for 6 days on google trying to find a solution. I am hoping someone in the community could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance!

theme: ‘ios’,
themeVariant: ‘light’

var oldEvent,
tempEvent = {},
titleInput = document.getElementById(‘event-title’),
descriptionTextarea = document.getElementById(‘event-desc’),
allDaySwitch = document.getElementById(‘event-all-day’),
freeSegmented = document.getElementById(‘event-status-free’),
busySegmented = document.getElementById(‘event-status-busy’),
deleteButton = document.getElementById(‘event-delete’),
colorSelect = document.getElementById(‘event-color-picker’),
pickedColor = document.getElementById(‘event-color’),
colorElms = document.querySelectorAll(‘.crud-color-c’),
datePickerResponsive = {
medium: {
controls: [‘calendar’],
touchUi: false
datetimePickerResponsive = {
medium: {
controls: [‘calendar’, ‘time’],
touchUi: false
myData = <?php
// create a connection to the DB using the server address, username, password, and database name.

if ($connect) {
echo “”;
} else {
die("Connection failed. Reason: ".mysqli_connect_error());

$sql=“SELECT DATE_FORMAT(start, ‘%Y-%m-%dT%TZ’) AS start, DATE_FORMAT(end, ‘%Y-%m-%dT%TZ’) AS end, title, allDay, color FROM eventsCal”;

$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql);
$json_array = array();

while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
    $json_array[] = $row;
echo json_encode($json_array);  


function createAddPopup(elm) {
// hide delete button inside add popup
deleteButton.style.display = ‘none’;

deleteEvent = true;
restoreEvent = false;

// set popup header text and buttons for adding
    headerText: 'New event',
    buttons: ['cancel', {
        text: 'Add',
        keyCode: 'enter',
        handler: function () {
                id: tempEvent.id,
                title: tempEvent.title,
                description: tempEvent.description,
                allDay: tempEvent.allDay,
                start: tempEvent.start,
                end: tempEvent.end,
                color: tempEvent.color,

            // navigate the calendar to the correct view

            deleteEvent = false;
        cssClass: 'mbsc-popup-button-primary'

// fill popup with a new event data
mobiscroll.getInst(titleInput).value = tempEvent.title;
mobiscroll.getInst(descriptionTextarea).value = '';
mobiscroll.getInst(allDaySwitch).checked = true;
range.setVal([tempEvent.start, tempEvent.end]);
mobiscroll.getInst(busySegmented).checked = true;
range.setOptions({ controls: ['date'], responsive: datePickerResponsive });
pickedColor.style.background = '';

// set anchor for the popup
popup.setOptions({ anchor: elm });



function createEditPopup(args) {
var ev = args.event;

// show delete button inside edit popup
deleteButton.style.display = 'block';

deleteEvent = false;
restoreEvent = true;

// set popup header text and buttons for editing
    headerText: 'Edit event',
    buttons: ['cancel', {
        text: 'Save',
        keyCode: 'enter',
        handler: function () {
            var date = range.getVal();
            // update event with the new properties on save button click
                id: ev.id,
                title: titleInput.value,
                description: descriptionTextarea.value,
                allDay: mobiscroll.getInst(allDaySwitch).checked,
                start: date[0],
                end: date[1],
                free: mobiscroll.getInst(freeSegmented).checked,
                color: ev.color,

            // navigate the calendar to the correct view

            restoreEvent = false;
        cssClass: 'mbsc-popup-button-primary'

// fill popup with the selected event data
mobiscroll.getInst(titleInput).value = ev.title || '';
mobiscroll.getInst(descriptionTextarea).value = ev.description || '';
mobiscroll.getInst(allDaySwitch).checked = ev.allDay || false;
range.setVal([ev.start, ev.end]);
pickedColor.style.background = ev.color || '';

if (ev.free) {
    mobiscroll.getInst(freeSegmented).checked = true;
} else {
    mobiscroll.getInst(busySegmented).checked = true;

// change range settings based on the allDay
    controls: ev.allDay ? ['date'] : ['datetime'],
    responsive: ev.allDay ? datePickerResponsive : datetimePickerResponsive

// set anchor for the popup
popup.setOptions({ anchor: args.domEvent.currentTarget });


var calendar = mobiscroll.eventcalendar(‘#demo-add-delete-event’, {
clickToCreate: ‘double’,
dragToCreate: true,
dragToMove: true,
dragToResize: true,
view: {
calendar: { labels: true }
data: myData,
onEventClick: function (args) {
oldEvent = Object.assign({}, args.event);
tempEvent = args.event;

    if (!popup.isVisible()) {
onEventCreated: function (args) {
    // store temporary event
    tempEvent = args.event;
onEventDeleted: function () {
    mobiscroll.snackbar({            button: {
            action: function () {
            text: 'Undo'
        message: 'Event deleted'


var popup = mobiscroll.popup(‘#demo-add-popup’, {
display: ‘bottom’,
contentPadding: false,
fullScreen: true,
onClose: function () {
if (deleteEvent) {
} else if (restoreEvent) {
responsive: {
medium: {
display: ‘anchored’,
width: 400,
fullScreen: false,
touchUi: false

titleInput.addEventListener(‘input’, function (ev) {
// update current event’s title
tempEvent.title = ev.target.value;

descriptionTextarea.addEventListener(‘change’, function (ev) {
// update current event’s title
tempEvent.description = ev.target.value;

allDaySwitch.addEventListener(‘change’, function () {
var checked = this.checked
// change range settings based on the allDay
controls: checked ? [‘date’] : [‘datetime’],
responsive: checked ? datePickerResponsive : datetimePickerResponsive

// update current event's allDay property
tempEvent.allDay = checked;


var range = mobiscroll.datepicker(‘#event-date’, {
controls: [‘date’],
select: ‘range’,
startInput: ‘#start-input’,
endInput: ‘#end-input’,
showRangeLabels: false,
touchUi: true,
responsive: datePickerResponsive,
onChange: function (args) {
var date = args.value;
// update event’s start date
tempEvent.start = date[0];
tempEvent.end = date[1];

document.querySelectorAll(‘input[name=event-status]’).forEach(function (elm) {
elm.addEventListener(‘change’, function () {
// update current event’s free property
tempEvent.free = mobiscroll.getInst(freeSegmented).checked;

deleteButton.addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
// delete current event on button click

// save a local reference to the deleted event
var deletedEvent = tempEvent;

mobiscroll.snackbar({        button: {
        action: function () {
        text: 'Undo'
    message: 'Event deleted'


colorPicker = mobiscroll.popup(‘#demo-event-color’, {
display: ‘bottom’,
contentPadding: false,
showArrow: false,
showOverlay: false,
buttons: [
text: ‘Set’,
keyCode: ‘enter’,
handler: function (ev) {
cssClass: ‘mbsc-popup-button-primary’
responsive: {
medium: {
display: ‘anchored’,
anchor: document.getElementById(‘event-color-cont’),
buttons: {}

function selectColor(color, setColor) {
var selectedElm = document.querySelector(‘.crud-color-c.selected’);
var newSelected = document.querySelector(‘.crud-color-c[data-value="’ + color + ‘"]’);

if (selectedElm) {
if (newSelected) {
if (setColor) {
    pickedColor.style.background = color || '';


function setSelectedColor() {
tempEvent.color = tempColor;
pickedColor.style.background = tempColor;

colorSelect.addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
selectColor(tempEvent.color || ‘’);

colorElms.forEach(function (elm) {
elm.addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
tempColor = elm.getAttribute(‘data-value’);

    if (!colorPicker.s.buttons.length) {


Mobiscroll is a front end tool, so this is not really the right forum for asking about updating your database. You’re not going to find any back end documentation here.

Having said that I recommend you call a javascript function which submits a jquery ajax request to your PHP update script. (I always just create my own “Add Event” button on which I call my javascript). Then after your update succeeds, reload the mobiscroll calendar.

And if you know for sure you’re reaching your update script but it’s still not working change your ajax call to a GET instead of a POST so you can more easily debug the update script (because the parameter values will be included in the query string). Execute the update script with parameters in the query string and start echoing out values until you find the problem (assuming the problem is in your PHP).