Tooltip on Segmented Control in Calendar Header

Is there a feature to add a tooltip to each button in a segmented control in the header of the calendar? Below is my HTML set for the renderHeader option. How can I add a tooltip to each button? I saw some mention of using a popup, but there must be an easier method.

<div class="cal-header-picker">
        <input data-icon="material-schedule" mbsc-segmented type="radio" name="view" value="schedule" class="md-view-change" checked>
        <input data-icon="material-view-day" mbsc-segmented type="radio" name="view" value="timeline" class="md-view-change">
        <input data-icon="calendar" mbsc-segmented type="radio" name="view" value="calendar" class="md-view-change">

Hi Joe,

Currently there is no build in option to display a tooltip when you hover over a segmented item.

Would you like to display only a native html text-only tooltip or you’ll need to display some custom content as well?