Timepicker is working weird… Can I get some help please?
My system timezone is EST(GMT-500) and when target location’s timezone is US Central (GMT-600). The timepicker is automatically keep reducing 1 hours like it’s stuck in loop. (Checked using (onTempChange))
It’s working fine with event calendar and datepicker but I’m only having issue with timepicker.
I’ve tried with v5.13.5 and 5.14.1 and both have same issue.
below is the simple version of my code (Angular)
// html
<mbsc-datepicker [ngModel]=“time” [options]=“timePickerOptions” (onClose)=“setTime($event )” #timePicker>
import * as moment from “moment-timezone”;
import { momentTimezone } from ‘@mobiscroll/angular’;
momentTimezone.moment = moment;
public momentPlugin = momentTimezone;
public location;
@ViewChild(‘timePicker’, {static: false}) timePicker: MbscDatepicker;
public timePickerOptions: MbscDatepickerOptions = {
controls: [‘time’],
themeVariant :“light”,
theme: ‘ios’,
stepMinute: 15,
touchUi: false,
timezonePlugin: this.momentPlugin,
displayTimezone: Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone, // initial value
// For my testing this returns “America/Chicago”
public get locationTimezone() {
if (this.location && this.location.timezone) return this.location.timezone;
else return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
ngOnInit() {
this.locationService.getLocation.pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscriber)).subscribe(location => {
this.location = location;
this.objService.getObj.pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscriber)).subscribe(obj => {
this.time = moment(obj.time.toDate()).tz(this.locationTimezone);
// tried to set timezone after subscribe location object
console.log(this.currLocationTimezone) // “America/Chicago”
this.timePickerOptions.displayTimezone = this.currLocationTimezone;
this.timePicker.options.displayTimezone = this.currLocationTimezone;