[ Timeline & Resource hierarchy ] Calendar / Page freezes on page change


We are testing mobiscroll to display events that are linked to workspaces (inside floors and inside buildings).
We are using Angular 13 and mobiscroll 5.16.0 trial.
We can reach up to a level 5 of hierarchy (building > floor > workspace > sub-workspace > seat).

Everything is displayed as it should be, but when we change page (week / month), or open a collapsed resource, the all interface freezes for some times (from 1s to 4s according to the selected view / number of resources).

Chrome also warn us : [Violation] ‘click’ handler took 4041ms (when changing month on month view)

Is there something specific to configure to avoid this freezes ?

When the view is large (lot of resources and/or lot of days/hours), the markup gets overwhelmed and rendering becomes slow.

We’re actively working on improving the performance of the timeline to work with large views as well. This involves simplifying the markup, optimizing css, and introducing scroll virtualization.

Until this is done, what you can do is to try to reduce the displayed view, e.g. show a smaller range, paginate the resources, etc.

Hi isti,

is there any update on this topic?
We are facing the same issue.
We are using a timeline with size of 1year and about 30 rows, each one corresponding to an event.
This is not a lot of data, still it takes some time to render the timeline, especially the first time.
Approximately 5 or more seconds.

Please let me know if there are some parameters we can use to fix this.

Hello @Antonio_Menolascina,

Showing a Timeline view with size of 1 year and 30 resources shouldn’t be a problem since the Timeline view already supports virtual horizontal and vertical scrolling. The view virtualization makes it possible to work with many resources across long date ranges.

See this example: https://demo.mobiscroll.com/timeline/loading-big-data-sets# - here we have 200 resources across a whole year with 10000 events.