I am using mobiscoll 5.33.1 javavascript flavour.
With the folling settings i have notice that the calendar as the right display according to expectation. But when i double click i am surprised and i think it is a bug that whatever cell you are clicking you have the right time of day and resource but the wrong DATE !!! It is always the first date of the current view.
Is there a misconfiguration in the following or is it a bug ? Can anyone help on this one ?
Many thanks
mobiscroll.eventcalendar('#demo-month-view', {
view: {
timeline: {
type: 'week',
startDay: 1,
endDay: 6,
startTime: '08:00',
endTime: '18:00',
resolutionHorizontal: 'hour',
resolutionVertical: 'day',
currentTimeIndicator: true,
groupBy: 'date',
resources: [
id: "16f70441-6532-4e42-b83e-c65e29ee32bc",
name: "John"
id: "d5fe5368-b32c-4150-9b38-eab9cd885d99",
name: "Jane"
onCellDoubleClick: function (args, inst) {