SVG icon invisible when using Print Timeline calendar

Hi guys,

I have an issue when trying to print my timeline.
I have an svg icon in scheduleEventTemplate but it’s invisible when I printed the timeline by MbscEventcalendar.print() method. I’m curios about that because it’s displaying correctly when I used the browser’s print feature (by Ctrl + P). I added the svg image I’m using.

Please help me if you have any ideas.
Thanks a lot.

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19.1255 9.3982 19.0894 9.46671 19.0247L10.9993 17.4919C11.0326 17.4586 11.059 17.4191 11.077 17.3756C11.095 17.3322 11.1043 17.2856 11.1043 17.2385C11.1043 17.1914 11.095 17.1448 11.077 17.1013C11.059 17.0578 11.0326 17.0183 10.9993 16.985L10.3303 16.3159C10.4749 16.043 10.5934 15.7571 10.6842 15.4619H11.6304C11.6775 15.4619 11.7241 15.4527 11.7676 15.4347C11.8111 15.4166 11.8506 15.3902 11.8839 15.357C11.9172 15.3237 11.9436 15.2841 11.9616 15.2406C11.9796 15.1972 11.9889 15.1505 11.9889 15.1035V12.9359C11.9889 12.8888 11.9796 12.8422 11.9616 12.7987C11.9436 12.7552 11.9172 12.7157 11.8839 12.6824C11.8506 12.6491 11.8111 12.6227 11.7676 12.6047C11.7241 12.5867 11.6775 12.5774 11.6304 12.5774H10.6842C10.5935 12.2823 10.475 11.9964 10.3303 11.7236L10.9993 11.0543C11.0326 11.021 11.059 10.9815 11.077 10.938C11.095 10.8945 11.1043 10.8479 11.1043 10.8009C11.1043 10.7538 11.095 10.7072 11.077 10.6637C11.059 10.6202 11.0326 10.5807 10.9993 10.5474L9.46671 9.01466C9.39821 8.94992 9.30752 8.91384 9.21327 8.91384C9.11901 8.91384 9.02832 8.94992 8.95982 9.01466L8.2905 9.68398C8.01774 9.53927 7.73185 9.42077 7.4367 9.33007V8.38385C7.43671 8.33678 7.42745 8.29016 7.40944 8.24666C7.39143 8.20316 7.36503 8.16364 7.33174 8.13035C7.29845 8.09706 7.25893 8.07066 7.21543 8.05265C7.17194 8.03464 7.12532 8.02538 7.07824 8.02539H4.91066C4.86358 8.02538 4.81696 8.03464 4.77347 8.05265C4.72997 8.07066 4.69045 8.09706 4.65716 8.13035C4.62387 8.16364 4.59747 8.20316 4.57946 8.24666C4.56145 8.29016 4.55219 8.33678 4.5522 8.38385V9.33007C4.257 9.42064 3.97111 9.53915 3.6984 9.68398L3.02908 9.01466C2.9616 8.94795 2.87053 8.91054 2.77564 8.91054C2.68074 8.91054 2.58968 8.94795 2.52219 9.01466L0.989275 10.5474C0.955981 10.5807 0.92957 10.6202 0.91155 10.6637C0.893531 10.7072 0.884256 10.7538 0.884256 10.8009C0.884256 10.8479 0.893531 10.8945 0.91155 10.938C0.92957 10.9815 0.955981 11.021 0.989275 11.0543L1.65861 11.7236C1.51394 11.9964 1.39544 12.2823 1.3047 12.5774H0.358463C0.311385 12.5774 0.264767 12.5867 0.221271 12.6047C0.177774 12.6227 0.138253 12.6491 0.104964 12.6824C0.0716753 12.7157 0.0452715 12.7552 0.0272614 12.7987C0.00925128 12.8422 -1.22328e-05 12.8888 1.21235e-08 12.9359V15.1035C-1.22328e-05 15.1505 0.00925128 15.1971 0.0272614 15.2406C0.0452715 15.2841 0.0716753 15.3237 0.104964 15.357C0.138253 15.3902 0.177774 15.4166 0.221271 15.4347C0.264767 15.4527 0.311385 15.4619 0.358463 15.4619ZM0.716926 13.2943H1.57773C1.65801 13.2943 1.73598 13.2674 1.79913 13.2178C1.86229 13.1683 1.90697 13.0989 1.92604 13.0209C2.02693 12.6079 2.19069 12.2128 2.41157 11.8495C2.45328 11.7808 2.47074 11.7002 2.46116 11.6205C2.45157 11.5408 2.4155 11.4666 2.35871 11.4098L1.74961 10.8009L2.77564 9.775L3.38439 10.3839C3.44112 10.4408 3.51531 10.4769 3.59505 10.4866C3.67479 10.4962 3.75545 10.4787 3.82407 10.437C4.18744 10.216 4.5826 10.0521 4.99572 9.95108C5.07372 9.93208 5.14307 9.88744 5.19265 9.8243C5.24223 9.76117 5.26916 9.68321 5.26912 9.60294V8.74232H6.71978V9.60294C6.71974 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6.7963 18.2152C6.74673 18.2783 6.71978 18.3563 6.71979 18.4365V19.2972H5.26912V18.4366C5.26913 18.3563 5.24219 18.2784 5.19262 18.2152C5.14304 18.1521 5.07371 18.1074 4.99572 18.0884C4.58264 17.9873 4.18751 17.8234 3.82408 17.6025C3.75541 17.561 3.67479 17.5436 3.59509 17.5532C3.5154 17.5628 3.44122 17.5989 3.3844 17.6556L2.77565 18.2643L1.74962 17.2385L2.35872 16.6297C2.4155 16.573 2.45158 16.4988 2.46117 16.4191C2.47075 16.3394 2.45329 16.2588 2.41158 16.1902C2.19064 15.8268 2.02689 15.4316 1.92605 15.0184C1.90699 14.9404 1.8623 14.8711 1.79914 14.8215C1.73599 14.7719 1.65802 14.745 1.57774 14.745H0.716926V13.2943Z" fill="#CD5B42"/>
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16.579 10.1739 16.6261 10.1739C16.6731 10.1739 16.7198 10.1646 16.7632 10.1466C16.8067 10.1285 16.8462 10.1021 16.8795 10.0688L18.1569 8.79163C18.2236 8.72415 18.261 8.63308 18.261 8.53819C18.261 8.4433 18.2236 8.35223 18.1569 8.28475L17.6301 7.75808C17.7366 7.55246 17.8255 7.33815 17.8958 7.11747H18.6403C18.6874 7.11748 18.734 7.10821 18.7775 7.0902C18.821 7.07219 18.8605 7.04579 18.8938 7.0125C18.9271 6.97921 18.9535 6.93969 18.9715 6.8962C18.9895 6.8527 18.9988 6.80608 18.9988 6.759V4.95268C18.9988 4.90561 18.9895 4.85899 18.9715 4.81549C18.9535 4.772 18.9271 4.73247 18.8938 4.69918C18.8605 4.6659 18.821 4.63949 18.7775 4.62148C18.734 4.60347 18.6874 4.59421 18.6403 4.59422H17.8957C17.8255 4.37354 17.7366 4.15923 17.6301 3.95361L18.1569 3.42694C18.1902 3.39366 18.2166 3.35415 18.2346 3.31067C18.2526 3.26718 18.2619 3.22057 18.2619 3.1735C18.2619 3.12642 18.2526 3.07981 18.2346 3.03633C18.2166 2.99284 18.1902 2.95333 18.1569 2.92005L16.8795 1.64268C16.8462 1.60938 16.8067 1.58297 16.7632 1.56495C16.7198 1.54693 16.6731 1.53766 16.6261 1.53766C16.579 1.53766 16.5324 1.54693 16.4889 1.56495C16.4454 1.58297 16.4059 1.60938 16.3726 1.64268L15.8458 2.16935C15.6402 2.06304 15.426 1.97422 15.2055 1.90383V1.15924C15.2056 1.11217 15.1963 1.06555 15.1783 1.02205C15.1603 0.978556 15.1339 0.939034 15.1006 0.905745C15.0673 0.872457 15.0278 0.846053 14.9843 0.828043C14.9408 0.810033 14.8942 0.800769 14.8471 0.800781H13.0404C12.9933 0.800769 12.9467 0.810033 12.9032 0.828043C12.8597 0.846053 12.8202 0.872457 12.7869 0.905745C12.7536 0.939034 12.7272 0.978556 12.7092 1.02205C12.6912 1.06555 12.6819 1.11217 12.682 1.15924V1.90383C12.4615 1.97422 12.2473 2.06304 12.0417 2.16935L11.5148 1.64268C11.4816 1.60938 11.442 1.58297 11.3986 1.56495C11.3551 1.54693 11.3085 1.53766 11.2614 1.53766C11.2143 1.53766 11.1677 1.54693 11.1242 1.56495C11.0807 1.58297 11.0412 1.60938 11.0079 1.64268L9.73057 2.92005C9.69728 2.95333 9.67086 2.99284 9.65284 3.03633C9.63482 3.07981 9.62555 3.12642 9.62555 3.1735C9.62555 3.22057 9.63482 3.26718 9.65284 3.31067C9.67086 3.35415 9.69728 3.39366 9.73057 3.42694L10.2574 3.95361C10.1508 4.15923 10.062 4.37354 9.99172 4.59422H9.24713C9.20006 4.59421 9.15344 4.60347 9.10994 4.62148C9.06644 4.63949 9.02692 4.66589 8.99363 4.69918C8.96035 4.73247 8.93394 4.77199 8.91593 4.81549C8.89792 4.85899 8.88866 4.90561 8.88867 4.95268V6.759C8.88866 6.80608 8.89792 6.8527 8.91593 6.89619C8.93394 6.93969 8.96035 6.97921 8.99363 7.0125C9.02692 7.04579 9.06644 7.07219 9.10994 7.0902C9.15344 7.10821 9.20006 7.11748 9.24713 7.11746ZM9.6056 5.31115H10.263C10.3433 5.31115 10.4213 5.28422 10.4844 5.23464C10.5476 5.18507 10.5923 5.11574 10.6113 5.03775C10.6938 4.69944 10.828 4.37586 11.009 4.0784C11.0507 4.00979 11.0682 3.92915 11.0586 3.84943C11.049 3.7697 11.0129 3.6955 10.9561 3.63873L10.4909 3.1735L11.2614 2.40301L11.7266 2.86824C11.7834 2.92505 11.8576 2.96114 11.9373 2.97072C12.017 2.98031 12.0977 2.96283 12.1663 2.9211C12.4639 2.74023 12.7875 2.60605 13.1258 2.52326C13.2037 2.50416 13.273 2.45948 13.3225 2.39636C13.372 2.33324 13.3989 2.25534 13.3988 2.17512V1.51771H14.4886V2.17513C14.4886 2.25534 14.5155 2.33325 14.565 2.39637C14.6145 2.45949 14.6837 2.50417 14.7616 2.52327C15.0999 2.60605 15.4235 2.74022 15.7212 2.92109C15.7898 2.96285 15.8704 2.98034 15.9502 2.97076C16.0299 2.96117 16.1041 2.92507 16.1608 2.86824L16.6261 2.40301L17.3966 3.1735L16.9313 3.63873C16.8745 3.69551 16.8385 3.76971 16.8289 3.84943C16.8193 3.92916 16.8368 4.00979 16.8785 4.07841C17.0595 4.37587 17.1936 4.69944 17.2761 5.03775C17.2952 5.11574 17.3399 5.18508 17.403 5.23465C17.4662 5.28422 17.5442 5.31116 17.6245 5.31115H18.2819V6.40054H17.6244C17.5442 6.40053 17.4662 6.42747 17.403 6.47704C17.3399 6.52662 17.2952 6.59595 17.2761 6.67394C17.1936 7.01225 17.0595 7.33582 16.8785 7.63328C16.8368 7.7019 16.8193 7.78253 16.8289 7.86226C16.8385 7.94198 16.8746 8.01618 16.9313 8.07296L17.3966 8.5382L16.6261 9.30851L16.1608 8.84344C16.104 8.78691 16.0299 8.75099 15.9503 8.74137C15.8707 8.73176 15.7902 8.74901 15.7215 8.79039C15.4238 8.97136 15.1001 9.10559 14.7616 9.18841C14.6837 9.20751 14.6145 9.25219 14.565 9.31531C14.5155 9.37843 14.4886 9.45633 14.4886 9.53654V10.194H13.3989V9.53654C13.3989 9.45633 13.372 9.37843 13.3225 9.31531C13.273 9.25219 13.2037 9.20751 13.1258 9.18841C12.7874 9.10559 12.4637 8.97136 12.166 8.79039C12.0973 8.74891 12.0168 8.73161 11.9372 8.74122C11.8575 8.75084 11.7834 8.78682 11.7266 8.84344L11.2614 9.3085L10.4909 8.5382L10.9561 8.07297C11.0129 8.01619 11.049 7.942 11.0586 7.86227C11.0682 7.78255 11.0507 7.70191 11.009 7.63329C10.828 7.33583 10.6938 7.01226 10.6113 6.67395C10.5923 6.59596 10.5476 6.52663 10.4844 6.47705C10.4213 6.42748 10.3433 6.40054 10.263 6.40055H9.60559L9.6056 5.31115Z" fill="#CD5B42"/>
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Hi @Duc_Dao

Indeed, I can confirm this is a bug in the print module. We’ll fix it in the upcoming versions.


Hello @Duc_Dao :wave:

Good news: we have shipped Mobiscroll 5.28.1, where we fixed a bug in the print module that prevented the display of svg elements.

Here you can find a guide of how you can update the Mobiscroll version to the latest: Update guide on the latest version of Mobiscroll for plain JS, jQuery, Angular, Ionic and React.