We are trying to use the mobiscroll cell click events like:
const options: MbscEventcalendarOptions = {
// other options
onCellClick: (args: MbscCellClickEvent, inst: EventcalendarBase) => {
// show a custom toast with additional information about the cell/event.
onCellRightClick: (args: MbscCellClickEvent, inst: EventcalendarBase) => {
// open a custom context menu popup with actions for the cell/event.
I’ve omitted the code for the actual cell click handlers for simplicity.
Both onCellClick and onCellRightClick events work on desktop and on Android.
On iPhone only the onCellClick works, but the onCellRightClick not unfortunately.
It’s a bit tricky. On touch screens the onCellRightClick is firing on long-tap if dragToCreate is disabled (false). I do not know exactly if it behaves the same on iPhones. As a workaround you could use the onEventDragStart event. Note that dragToCreate must be enabled. I’ve returned false in the onEventCreate method and added a cssClass in the extendDefaultEvent to hide it from css. Here is a small example (I’ve used React):