New Release: Mobiscroll 5.25 & 5.25.1

What’s New

Happy to introduce Mobiscroll for Vue. This has been in the works for the past couple of months, currently in private beta, Mobiscroll for Vue 3 covers native Vue components for Mobiscroll 5.

Private beta

The first step of the launch is a private beta followed by a public beta and then the final/stable release. We chose to approach it in stages because we wanted to get it in the hands of customers as soon as possible and also get feedback quickly so that we can refine things and work the rough edges. The private beta comes with all functionality, a partially migrated documentation and only a subset of the hundreds of demos that are currently available for Mobiscroll 5.


Along with the documentation of Mobiscroll for Vue we are updating our infrastructure and are migrating to a more flexible platform from our home grown system. The new docs is based on Docosaurus, and the current version for Vue can be found at Getting started with Mobiscroll for Vue | Mobiscroll Documentation.

Besides having a solid API documentation, we are redesigning how the content is organized and are writing additional guides that focus on specific building blocks and concepts of Mobiscroll. The goal is to produce content that can be consumed on demand and provides both a 100 mile view and goes in-depth on topics that give you superpowers.

When we have everything figured out and built for Vue, we will be migrating the documentation for the other frameworks (Angular, React, Javascript and jQuery) over to the new platform as well.


We have close to 300 v5 demos at the moment and at the time of writing 113 demos are already available for Vue. We are following an internal ranking to find the best approach and are gradually shipping the Vue demos until we have all of them available.

We provide both Typescript and plain Javascript Single File Component demo codes. Go ahead and give it a look at Mobile & desktop demos for Vue JS | Mobiscroll.

Vue license availability

Stand-alone Vue licenses are not available for purchase yet. The private beta is automatically available for the “Complete” license holders, but let us know if there is interest in giving it a go.

The next big step is the public beta when the stand-alone Vue licenses will be available for purchase as well.

What’s next

Besides working on the Vue version of Mobiscroll we have new and exciting things lined up. This includes new features and other infrastructure updates and improvements. It’s going to be a busy summer at Mobiscroll, so stay tuned.

If there is interest in getting onto the private beta list for the Vue version, make sure to reach out to us.

Read the full blog post


All Components


  • We introduced support for Vue 3, shiping full framework integration with native components.


  • We updated the long date format for the Arabic, Bulgarian, Farsi, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Serbian and Thai localizations.



  • We fixed the date parser to use the year, month and day of the default value (or today’s date, if not specified), when parsing time strings.
  • We added the missing dayNamesMin input option to the Angular component.



  • We fixed an issue where detached DOM elements were retained after destroying the Input, Dropdown, Textarea, Stepper and Switch components in JavaScript and jQuery.



  • We fixed an issue where detached DOM elements were retained after destroying the Input, Dropdown, Textarea, Stepper and Switch components in JavaScript and jQuery.



  • We fixed the styling of the filter input which did not inherit the specified theme variant (light or dark).



  • We fixed an issue where some events were not displayed correctlty after changing the timezone dynamically.
  • We fixed the width of the date columns when using daily vertical resolution.
  • We fixed the display of min and max dates, which did not appear as invalid on the timeline.
  • We fixed an issue where the timeline entered into infinite rendering with custom event templates at certain screen sizes.


All Components


  • We fixed the updateRecurringEvent to don’t mutate the updatedEvent input parameter.



  • We fixed an issue where the timeline entered into infinite rendering with custom event templates at certain screen sizes.

For the full changelog please visit our release history.

PS. You will find an upgrade guide for moving from Mobiscroll 4 to Mobiscroll 5.