New Release: Mobiscroll 5.13.1 & 5.13.2


All Components


  • We updated the month and day names in the Dutch localization to be consistent with other locale.



  • We fixed the domEvent property of the onEventDelete event argument, which was not correctly set.
  • We fixed the enhancement of mobiscroll components inside custom event template in the event popover, which was not working properly in jQuery/Javascript.
  • We fixed an issue where the event labels were split on the first day of the month in case of week view.
  • We fixed an issue where the recurring exception date was not in the correct timezone when editing/deleting a recurring event.



  • We fixed the borders of the iOS underline styled textarea and select in Angular.



  • We fixed the domEvent property of the onEventDelete event argument, which was not correctly set.
  • We fixed the width of the dragged all-day event, which was not always correct.
  • We fixed an issue with the navigation in day view, where clicking on a day would load a different week, if the first day of the week was not Sunday, and startDay and endDay was not explicitly set.
  • We changed the minimum length of an event to be the value of dragTimeStep during resize, which was hard-coded to 15 minutes. (#494)
  • We fixed an issue where the recurring exception date was not in the correct timezone when editing/deleting a recurring event.



  • We fixed the domEvent property of the onEventDelete event argument, which was not correctly set.
  • We fixed the sticky resource column which was not working correctly on iOS Safari < 13.
  • We fixed an issue, where the events were overlapping each other on initial show, when custom event height was used.
  • We changed the minimum length of an event to be the value of dragTimeStep during resize, which was hard-coded to 15 minutes. (#494)
  • We fixed an issue where the recurring exception date was not in the correct timezone when editing/deleting a recurring event.




  • We fixed the calendar header, which sometimes did not appear, only after clicking on a day.
  • We fixed the multiple month and year view, which appeared incorrectly in Firefox.



  • We fixed the getInvalids method, which only returned the first invalid object from the given range.



  • We fixed the getInvalids method, which only returned the first invalid object from the given range.



  • We fixed the getInvalids method, which only returned the first invalid object from the given range.

For release notes please visit our release history.

PS. You will find an upgrade guide for moving from Mobiscroll 4 to Mobiscroll 5.