New release: Mobiscroll 4.8.0

Plug & play form components

Working with the various form elements is easier than ever. Because of the plug and play nature of Mobiscroll this is a welcome feature that enables the usage of form components without the need to wrap them inside an actual form. You can now easily mix it with your existing styling.

  • Using bootstrap and would like to surgically insert a Mobiscroll switch into your form? You can do that now.
  • Looking to add a single slider to a page where there is no form? You can do that now.
  • Building a mobiscroll form and would like to add an element that has a different styling? You can do that as well.

Read the full blog post.




  • We fixed a bug in the editable input field that occurred when the value was deleted manually. Today’s date was written back instead of leaving it empty.

Event Calendar


  • We added the getJson utility function to the event calendar component.


  • An issue got fixed that happened on month change. If both the first and second day of the month was invalidated, an error was thrown and calendar navigation broke.
  • We fixed a rendering issue for the all-day text that happened for certain languages.
  • We fixed the event listing for Brazilian timezones that happened during DST months.



  • Form controls are now working individually, without the need to wrap them inside a Mobiscroll Form component.
  • Added support for disabling 'mbsc-input’ the reactive way not just through the disabled attribute.


  • Fixed the autofill underline input styling in the iOS theme.
  • Removed text capitalization of the segmented control text in the iOS and Material themes.



  • Fixed an issue that broke Angular 8 AOT builds.
  • We fixed a bug that broke the compilation process in Angular when using the ES6 modules.
  • We fixed the styling of the arrow in bubble display mode for the Windows theme.



  • We added the getJson utility function to the listview component.



  • We fixed a bug where the input elements placed inside a scrollview were not focusable on touch devices.
  • We fixed the Typescript definitions for the scrollview options to allow number type for the layout setting.



  • We fixed autocomplete/filtering when used with Pinyin keyboard on iOS.


Event Calendar


  • We fixed a bug, which caused the eventlist to show only the events of the current day in agenda view, when the list was scrolled.
  • We fixed the navigate method to scroll correctly to the specified date in agenda view.



  • We added support for commonly used HTML attributes for the mbsc-textarea component in Angular. The following attributes are supported and passed through to the native input: minlength , maxlength , autocomplete , autocapitalize , autocorrect , spellcheck , autofocus , required , wrap .


  • Removed unnecessary box-shadow for Toast and Prompt components.
  • Fixed a rendering issue for the icons on inputs with no labels for the iOS theme.
  • Corrected the styling of the outline, flat and disabled buttons for the Material theme.
  • Removed backgound and border from iOS themed non-text form controls outside of mobiscroll forms.



  • We added the mbsc-align-justify utility class for justified text align styling.



  • We fixed a bug where the “Show more” menu was not shown correctly on touch devices, just flashed up for a short time.



  • We fixed the filter input styling which broke in the previous release, with the introduction of the standalone form controls.

For the full changelog please visit our release history.

PS. If you’re coming from v3: We have composed an upgrade guide for moving from Mobiscroll 3 to Mobiscroll 4.