New release: Mobiscroll 4.10.8

What’s New

Improved compatibility with v5

We fixed a number of css conflicts between v4 and v5 form elements, so that you can better use them combined. For a guide on how to use v4 + v5, check out this article.

We also fixed a bunch of issues that piled up during the last couple of weeks.

Check out what changed below :point_down: and update to the latest version.


All Components


  • We fixed a bug, which caused an exception when a picker was closed programmatically right after open.



  • We improved the calendar previous and next button listeners to use currentTarget instead of this for Salesforce LWC compatibility.



  • We added the eventOrder option to customize the sort order of the events.


  • We improved the calendar previous and next button listeners to use currentTarget instead of this for Salesforce LWC compatibility.
  • We improved the event ordering so that cross-day events not marked as all day will not appear on top.



  • We fixed the source code of the collapsible to use an ES6 syntax which works with an Angular app without the need to transpile.
  • We fixed an issue with the rating control, where the stars were off in RTL mode on iOS Safari, if value was set programmatically later after initialization.
  • We fixed an issue where sometimes toast and snackbar notifications stopped appearing if they were coming in very quickly.
  • We fixed the slider component with 2 handles, which were stuck if both initial values were set to the maximum.
  • We improved compatibility with Mobiscroll v5, so the v4 form elements appear correctly if v5 styling is also loaded.



  • We fixed an issue where the touchstart listener was attached to the document instead of the listview container, and it was not possible to stop the touch event propagation, e.g. if the listview is loaded inside a scrollview item, stopPropagation on the touchstart event is needed to prevent the scrollview from moving when a listview item is swiped.



  • We fixed an issue where times like 1:08 cannot be entered, since after entering the 0 , buttons above 5 were disabled.



  • We improved the calendar previous and next button listeners to use currentTarget instead of this for Salesforce LWC compatibility.

For release notes please visit our release history.

PS. If you’re coming from v3: We have composed an upgrade guide for moving from Mobiscroll 3 to Mobiscroll 4.