New release: Mobiscroll 4.10.3

What’s New

Bugfixes for iOS, iPad OS 13, Firefox, Ionic 5 and iOS9

We fixed two rendering issues that started showing up on the latest iOS and iPad OS 13 versions . List view and Event Calendar, Calendar and Range components were impacted.

We fixed a serious issue that came up with the latest Ionic 5 version and Angular 9 , were Mobiscroll controls were not showing up on first tap for ion-inputs.

We fixed a popup issue on iOS 9 .

We fixed the focus outline on elements that showed up on the latest Firefox .

Various improvements

A new “background-less” label style was added to the calendar components. Showing just text without the background is possible now.

Besides that we added the mbsc-calendar-mark sass variable for controlling the default color of the day markings.

The calendar cell hover events went though an improvement as well.




  • Added mbsc-calendar-mark scss color variable allowing to set the default color of the marks.
  • We added a feature which allows presenting calendar labels as text only, without colored background, by specifying the background: 'none' property.


  • We debounced the onCellHoverIn and onCellHoverOut to prevent firing on unintended hover, or during mousedrag.
  • We fixed a problem where recurring invalids for month days were not working correctly, when a month day was used which is not present in every month (29, 30, 31).
  • We fixed a rendering issue on iOS 13 WebView, where the month / year picker appeared without a background.



  • Added mbsc-calendar-mark scss color variable allowing to set the default color of the marks.


  • We debounced the onCellHoverIn and onCellHoverOut to prevent firing on unintended hover, or during mousedrag.
  • We fixed a problem where recurring invalids for month days were not working correctly, when a month day was used which is not present in every month (29, 30, 31).
  • We fixed a rendering issue on iOS 13 WebView, where the month / year picker appeared without a background.



  • We added a missing type definition for the Slider component in React.



  • We removed the dotted outline present at the top of popups and modal pickers in Firefox.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented the mobiscroll directives to pop up on the first tap when they were used on ion-input in Ionic 5 with Angular 9.



  • We fixed an issue where the listview was not rendered properly during scroll, inside a scrollable container other than the main window, on iPad OS 13.



  • We added proper keyboard support for freeform decimal entry ( . , + , and - keys).



  • We fixed a positioning issue where the popup went off screen with the soft keyboard opened on iOS 9.



  • Added mbsc-calendar-mark scss color variable allowing to set the default color of the marks.
  • We added a feature which allows presenting calendar labels as text only, without colored background, by specifying the background: 'none' property.


  • We fixed an issue where the calendar jumped back to the current month in Angular when the mbsc-range-start and mbsc-range-end components were used with a custom set button.
  • We debounced the onCellHoverIn and onCellHoverOut to prevent firing on unintended hover, or during mousedrag.
  • We fixed a problem where recurring invalids for month days were not working correctly, when a month day was used which is not present in every month (29, 30, 31).
  • We fixed a rendering issue on iOS 13 WebView, where the month / year picker appeared without a background.



  • We fixed a bug that prevented the onChange event to fire on the React Rating component.



  • We increased the filter input font size for the iOS theme to prevent automatic zoom-in on iPhone, when the filter input is focused.

For the full changelog please visit our release history .

PS. If you’re coming from v3: We have composed an upgrade guide for moving from Mobiscroll 3 to Mobiscroll 4.