Multiple custom breakpoints of the responsive option?


Are multiple custom breakpoints of the responsive optoin allowed? I can’t seem to get the below to work:

responsive: {
                                                        xsmall: {               //0
                                                            pages: 1,
                                                            touchUi: true
                                                        small: {                //576px
                                                            pages: 2,
                                                            touchUi: true
                                                        medium: {               //768px
                                                            pages: 3,
                                                            touchUi: true
                                                        large: {                //992px
                                                            pages: 3,
                                                            touchUi: true
                                                        xlarge: {               //1200px
                                                            pages: 4,
                                                            touchUi: true
                                                        custom: {               //1500px
                                                            breakpoint: 1500,
                                                            pages: 5,
                                                            touchUi: true
                                                        custom: {               //1700px
                                                            breakpoint: 1700,
                                                            pages: 6,
                                                            touchUi: true

It does not see the 1700 custom breakpoint and will only show a max of 5 pages of the calendar picker.


Hello @Chris_Bucher :wave:

Yup, it’s possible to use multiple custom breakpoints, the only thing is that they need to have different names.

For example: custom for 1500px and custom-xl for 1700px

Very helpful and very kind of you to share this. Thank you!

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