Mbsc-select doesn't work as reactive form control

The mbsc-select component won’t select an option when used as a reactive form control (e.g. formControlName). When used with the ngModel syntax it does work. I would like to use this as a reactive form control since it makes state management of the form easier.

I am currently using mobiscroll 5.6.2 with Angular 11.

Hi @mingo_eric!

Thanks for reporting this bug. Indeed the Select component doesn’t work with the reactive forms In Angular 9+ and this is also an issue in version 5.6.3 of Mobiscroll. We will fix this in the upcoming version.

Hi @mingo_eric :wave:

I just wanted to let you know that we released version 5.7 of Mobiscroll which include the bug fix for this problem.

Here you can read more information about this: Release notes and release history for Mobiscroll.

Also, this step by step guide will be helpful of how to update the Mobiscroll version: Update guide on the latest version of Mobiscroll for Angular and Ionic 2/3/4/5/6.