Facing issue on iphone in mbsc-select. Options list coming in circular view and showing end items in background.
Can you share some of your relevant code, so I can see the exact usage?
Also, can you clarify which version of Mobiscroll are you using?
Hi @Zsombor. Thanks for your reply. I am using following version
“@mobiscroll/angular”: “^4.10.3”
And mbsc-select options are as follows :
remoteSettings = {
multiline: 3,
height: 80,
data: myData,
filter: true,
buttons: [
And html file as follows:
<mbsc-select [options]=“remoteSettings” #product [data]=“products” label-style=“floating”
input-style=“underline” (onSet)=“selectedProduct($event)” formControlName=“product_id”>{{labels.product}} *
Hello @Munish_Kumar
Actually, that’s an old version of Mobiscroll (4.10.3), so the first thing you should try is to update the Mobiscroll version to the latest 4.10.9.
Here you can find a guide about how to achieve that: Update guide on the latest version of Mobiscroll for Angular and Ionic 2/3/4/5/6.
@Zsombor i updated the plugin. Updated version is “@mobiscroll/angular”: “^4.10.9”. But still same issue.
Could you help in it. I have tried by removing and adding plugin again.
Hi Munish,
Since I could not reproduce the problem, would you please share some more details?
What kind of iOS version are you using exactly? Are you trying it in browser or webview?