Local storage events in Event Calendar

Hi! Im new with app development, ionic and Morbiscroll and im trying to do a calendar app for a class.
I tried the Morbiscroll calendar function and it works perfectly! but I need the events to store locally or with firebase so they don’t dissapear everytime I reload, and i dont know how to do it :c.
Thanks in advance!

Here is my code:
<ion-content [fullscreen]=“true”>



  <!-- <ion-datetime (click)="presentModal()" locale="en-US"></ion-datetime> -->
  <mbsc-eventcalendar  [data]="myEvents" [options]="calendarOptions" [(selectedDate)]="calendarSelectedDate">
  <mbsc-popup [options]="popupOptions" [anchor]="popupAnchor" [buttons]="popupButtons" [headerText]="popupHeaderText" #popup>
      <div class="mbsc-form-group">
          <mbsc-input label="Title" [(ngModel)]="popupEventTitle"></mbsc-input>
          <mbsc-textarea label="Description" [(ngModel)]="popupEventDescription"></mbsc-textarea>
      <div class="mbsc-form-group">
          <mbsc-switch label="All-day" [(ngModel)]="popupEventAllDay"></mbsc-switch>
          <mbsc-datepicker [(ngModel)]="popupEventDates" [options]="datePickerOptions" [controls]="popupEventAllDay ? datePickerControls : datetimePickerControls" [responsive]="popupEventAllDay ? datePickerResponsive : datetimePickerResponsive" [startInput]="startInput"
          <mbsc-input #startInput label="Starts"></mbsc-input>
          <mbsc-input #endInput label="Ends"></mbsc-input>
          <div class="event-color-c" (click)="openColorPicker($event)">
              <div class="event-color-label">Color</div>
              <div class="event-color" [ngStyle]="{background: selectedColor}"></div>
          <div *ngIf="isEdit" class="mbsc-button-group">
              <mbsc-button class="mbsc-button-block" color="danger" variant="outline" (click)="onDeleteClick()">Eliminar evento
  <mbsc-popup [options]="colorOptions" [anchor]="colorAnchor" #colorPicker>
      <div class="crud-color-row">
          <div *ngFor="let color of colors;let i=index">
              <div *ngIf="i<5" class="crud-color-c" [ngClass]="{'selected': tempColor === color}" [attr.data-value]="color" (click)="changeColor($event)">
                  <div class="crud-color mbsc-icon mbsc-font-icon mbsc-icon-material-check" [ngStyle]="{background: color}"></div>
      <div class="crud-color-row">
          <div *ngFor="let color of colors;let i=index">
              <div *ngIf="i>=5" class="crud-color-c" [ngClass]="{'selected': tempColor === color}" [attr.data-value]="color" (click)="changeColor($event)">
                  <div class="crud-color mbsc-icon mbsc-font-icon mbsc-icon-material-check" [ngStyle]="{background: color}"></div>

  <app-explore-container name="Tab 2 page"></app-explore-container>



  selector: 'app-tab2',

  templateUrl: 'tab2.page.html',

  styleUrls: ['tab2.page.scss'],

  providers: [Notifications]


export class Tab2Page{


  today = Date.now();


  recordatorio: recordatorios;

  constructor(public firebaseauthService: DataService,

    public fireStoreService: FirestoreService,

    public fireStorageService: FirestorageService,

    private modalCtrl: ModalController,

    private http: HttpClient,

    private notify: Notifications

    ) {  



  @ViewChild('popup', { static: false })

    popup!: MbscPopup;

    @ViewChild('colorPicker', { static: false })

    colorPicker: any;

    popupEventTitle: string | undefined;

    popupEventDescription = '';

    popupEventAllDay = true;

    popupEventDates: any;

    popupEventStatus = 'busy';

    calendarSelectedDate: any = new Date();

    switchLabel: any = 'All-day';

    tempColor = '';

    selectedColor = '';

    colorAnchor: HTMLElement | undefined;

    colors = ['#ffeb3c', '#ff9900', '#f44437', '#ea1e63', '#9c26b0', '#3f51b5', '', '#009788', '#4baf4f', '#7e5d4e'];

    myEvents: MbscCalendarEvent[] = [{


    tempEvent!: MbscCalendarEvent;

    calendarOptions: MbscEventcalendarOptions = {

        clickToCreate: 'single',

        dragToCreate: true,

        dragToMove: true,

        dragToResize: true,

        view: {

            calendar: { type: 'month', labels: true },

            agenda: { type: 'month'}


        onEventClick: (args) => {

            this.isEdit = true;

            this.tempEvent = args.event;

            // fill popup form with event data


            // set popup options

            this.popupHeaderText = 'Editar';

            this.popupButtons = this.popupEditButtons;

            this.popupAnchor = args.domEvent.currentTarget;

            // open the popup



        onEventCreated: (args, inst) => {

            setTimeout(() => {

                this.isEdit = false;

                this.tempEvent = args.event;

                // fill popup form with event data


                // set popup options

                this.popupHeaderText = 'Nuevo evento';

                this.popupButtons = this.popupAddButtons;

                this.popupAnchor = args.target;

                // open the popup




        onEventDeleted: (args) => {

            setTimeout(() => {




        onEventUpdated: (args) => {




    popupHeaderText!: string;

    popupAnchor: HTMLElement | undefined;

    popupAddButtons = ['cancel', {

        handler: () => {



        keyCode: 'enter',

        text: 'Añadir',

        cssClass: 'mbsc-popup-button-primary'


    popupEditButtons = ['cancel', {

        handler: () => {



        keyCode: 'enter',

        text: 'Guardar',

        cssClass: 'mbsc-popup-button-primary'


    popupButtons: any = [];

    popupOptions: MbscPopupOptions = {

        display: 'bottom',

        contentPadding: false,

        fullScreen: true,

        onClose: () => {

            if (!this.isEdit) {

                // refresh the list, if add popup was canceled, to remove the temporary event

                this.myEvents = [...this.myEvents];



        responsive: {

            medium: {

                display: 'bottom',

                width: 400,

                fullScreen: false,

                touchUi: false




    datePickerControls = ['date'];

    datePickerResponsive: any = {

        medium: {

            controls: ['calendar'],

            touchUi: false



    datetimePickerControls = ['datetime'];

    datetimePickerResponsive = {

        medium: {

            controls: ['calendar', 'time'],

            touchUi: false



    datePickerOptions: MbscDatepickerOptions = {

        select: 'range',

        showRangeLabels: false,

        touchUi: true


    isEdit = false;

    colorOptions: MbscPopupOptions = {

        display: 'bottom',

        contentPadding: false,

        showArrow: false,

        showOverlay: false,

        buttons: [



                text: 'Cambiar',

                keyCode: 'enter',

                handler: (ev) => {

                    this.selectedColor = this.tempColor;



                cssClass: 'mbsc-popup-button-primary'



        responsive: {

            medium: {

                display: 'bottom',

                buttons: [],




    loadPopupForm(event: MbscCalendarEvent): void {

        this.popupEventTitle = event.title;

        this.popupEventDescription = event.description;

        this.popupEventDates = [event.start, event.end];

        this.popupEventAllDay = event.allDay || false;

        this.popupEventStatus = event.status || 'busy';

        this.selectedColor = event.color || '';


    saveEvent(): void {

        this.tempEvent.title = this.popupEventTitle;

        this.tempEvent.description = this.popupEventDescription;

        this.tempEvent.start = this.popupEventDates[0];

        this.tempEvent.end = this.popupEventDates[1];

        this.tempEvent.allDay = this.popupEventAllDay;

        this.tempEvent.status = this.popupEventStatus;

        this.tempEvent.color = this.selectedColor;

        if (this.isEdit) {

            // update the event in the list

            this.myEvents = [...this.myEvents];

            // here you can update the event in your storage as well

            // ...

        } else {

            // add the new event to the list

            this.myEvents = [...this.myEvents, this.tempEvent];

            // here you can add the event to your storage as well

            // ...



        // navigate the calendar

        this.calendarSelectedDate = this.popupEventDates[0];

        // close the popup



    deleteEvent(event: MbscCalendarEvent): void {

        this.myEvents = this.myEvents.filter(item => item.id !== event.id);


            button: {

                action: () => {

                    this.myEvents = [...this.myEvents, event];


                text: 'deshacer'


            message: 'Evento eliminado'


        // here you can delete the event from your storage as well

        // ...


    onDeleteClick(): void {




    selectColor(color: string): void {

        this.tempColor = color;


    openColorPicker(ev: any): void {

        this.selectColor(this.selectedColor || '');

        this.colorAnchor = ev.currentTarget;



    changeColor(ev: any): void {

        const color = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-value');


        if (!this.colorPicker.s.buttons.length) {

            this.selectedColor = color;





Hi @Eduardo!

The Mobiscroll library does not provide means on how to store the events, only to display them. Depending on what you need the browser’s local storage is one option. Since local storage can only store strings you would need to serialize the events and save them that way. There are libraries out there that build upon this, and do the object serialization for you, so I would recommend use one.

Firebase is also an option, but I did not use it before so I can’t really give you any example code.

If you have any technical questions along the way, feel free to ask.