Is there an easy way to suppress schedule events on invalid days? (V5)

I’m using the V5 scheduler component and using the “invalid” option to grey out days that the business is closed. At the same time I’m pulling in scheduled events from the database, but some of these events might fall on invalid days. To be precise, my events are staff work schedules and the invalid days will be any day that the business is closed, including stat holidays or an extended Christmas break or whatever.

The problem is staff schedules are typically set as repeating each day of the week until the end of time, so if a staff member is scheduled to work every Friday, but this Friday is a stat then that’s a problem. I’d like to not show staff work schedules on days the business is closed.

Is there an easy way for the mobiscroll V5 scheduler to suppress scheduled events on invalid days?

Hi Vincent,

Currently specifying exceptions to recurring events is not supported, but it’s a planned feature.

o.k. Well when you guys are working on this please keep in mind this use case, and that automatically excepting invalid days would be very useful. Thank you.