All day builds in our CI (where we don’t have an NPM cache) have been failing. If I remove my local NPM cache, I can’t build locally either. No matter what I get:
Glad to see someone having the issue and that is not our CI/CD pipeline. Also when trying to change the .npmrc by login in again to mobiscroll npm, I’m getting: npm login failed. error -> 405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed.
@Steve_Weiss@Terence_Ordona@n-glaz@adinc-eng Yes, there is an issue with our private npm registry. We are working on a fix. Thanks for the patience and sorry about the trouble!
If you have a copy of the package saved in your node modules folder locally, you can manually bring it into your project file directories rather than downloading it from the NPM registry
Only the latest version seems to be working, but we’re not so far off the latest version that it really matters for us, we just upgraded and it looks like it should make it through CI. We did have to create a new auth token (all our existing tokens seem to be invalid now).
Thanks for the patience! Yes, we’re manually rebuilding the packages and are making good progress. New tokens will be needed since the private npm registry had to be rebuilt internally.
In case of NPM, call a mobiscroll login in your application root folder (use your email address and password) followed by pushing the .npmrc into your repository.
In case of YARN call mobiscroll logout followed by a mobiscroll config {framework} to install the latest version or specify the exact version like mobiscroll config {framework} --version 5.22.3. This will take care of refreshing the tokens after which you can push the yarnrc.yml into your repository.
Hi @ricardopinto Sorry about the trouble! Should be fixed now.
Please see:
New tokens will be needed since the private npm registry had to be rebuilt internally.
In case of NPM, call a mobiscroll login in your application root folder (use your email address and password) followed by pushing the .npmrc into your repository.
In case of YARN call mobiscroll logout followed by a mobiscroll config {framework} to install the latest version or specify the exact version like mobiscroll config {framework} --version 5.22.3 . This will take care of refreshing the tokens after which you can push the yarnrc.yml into your repository.
My team is apprehensive about using Mobiscroll’s private registry now as this outage was of a significant duration and most of us were feeling around in the dark on here for a status an hour or so after it began. Is the Mobiscroll team going to release a post-mortem about what happened and what steps are being taken to prevent this from happening again?
Interesting to note that this happened the day after FontAwesome’s outage – fortunately they have a status page so it was clear the problem was on their end after apps depending on their kits started breaking.
Hi kovlex, mobiscroll logout followed by mobiscroll config 5.19.1 doesn’t result in a yarnrc.yml, it results in the trial version of mobiscroll being installed and npmrc being cleared out rather than refreshed:
@n-glaz sure thing! The problem was that our server hosting the private npm registry project had some issues and wasn’t reachable. After a quick investigation it turned out that we couldn’t quickly recover from it and the best course of action was to migrate the project to a different server. Setting it up and gradually rebuilding and publishing the packages took more time than expected, which we want to bring down to 30 minutes. We are also planning infrastructure updates to make this more robust.
An update post will go out shortly with more details and the guide on how to refresh the tokens.
Appreciate you sticking with us and the continued trust!
My credentials work on the site and here. But I tried both mobiscroll login and mobiscroll config angular and after entering my credentials, I get the following error message: