Iphone device, date pickers overflow

In Iphone device we are able to zoom-in in page. When we click to open Date pickers, it will display larger then device width.

I use

inst = mobiscroll.datepicker( vCtr, {
animation: ‘pop’,
anchor: vCtr,
locale: LANGUAGE == 1 ? mobiscroll.localeEn : mobiscroll.localeFr,
pages: 1,
display: ‘bottom’,
touchUi: true,
onChange: function (event, inst) {
var act = Request.Create(REQUEST_SYNC, IceAction.UpdateRs, inst.props.anchor.id);
var value = event.valueText == ‘clear’ ? ‘’ : event.valueText || inst.props.defaultValue;
SetContent(act, value);
buttons: [
text: LANGUAGE == 1 ? ‘Clear’ : ‘Effacer’,
handler: function (event) {
inst.props.onChange({ valueText: ‘clear’ }, inst);
icon: ‘calendar2’,
handler: function (event) {
inst.setTempVal(new Date());
text: ‘’,
icon: ‘close’,
handler: ‘cancel’

           onPageLoading: function (event, inst) {

Hi @Paul_Wilkinson,

Thanks for reaching out!

Currently, this is how the components work. The zoom level won’t affect the component size and position only magnifies the page content.

Maybe setting the maximum-scale can help limit the magnification.(Of course, this might be dependent on your implementation.)