Ionic 4 Mobiscroll Date Picker for PWA

Testing with Ionic 4 PWA.
The interface for the date picker does not show it should be clicked.
Are there options/examples for customization testing?

Hello, welcome to the Forum!

The Mobiscroll Date picker by default does not provide styling for the input field from which is opened. The example you tried uses ion-input, so the styling is provided by Ionic.
You can use the Mobiscroll Form input styles for your input, by using the mbsc-date component instead of the directive:

  <mbsc-date [(ngModel)]="myBirthday"></mbsc-date>

Or use a standard html input and provide your own styling:

<input [(ngModel)]="myBirthday" mbsc-date class="my-input" />

Let me know if this explains!
