How to use custom popup in month view?

In this attached image we have default popup, which opens when we click on more button.
But I want to use the custom popup, which closes onClick of the close button.

How can I implement this?

Hi @Prashant_Rao

This is the default behavior that automatically happens and lists out all the events for that day.

You mentioned that you’d like to show a custom popup. Are you looking to show that instead of the default popup when clicking on the “x more” label?

Hi, Kovlex. Thanks for your support.
I have a similar question. I would like to customize each event item in the popup list in the React.
For example, currently, it’s showing ‘vertical bar’, ‘event title’, and ‘event time’.
I want to show the certain ‘icon’, ‘event time’, ‘event title’, and ‘organizer’, something like these.

I’m using the custom schedule event content and label content but it doesn’t apply to the event in the popup.

Thank you.

Hello @Hyunki_Chae :wave:

Please see my answer here: Custom Popup in month-view, How could I customize the contents of popup? - #2 by Zsombor