Hide Specific Days in Scheduler


I’m attempting to hide specific days on the scheduler. For instance, displaying only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

I’ve been able to get close by setting display: none; opacity: 0 on CSS classes such as .mbsc-schedule-header-wrapper and .mbsc-schedule-resource-group:nth-of-type but this breaks the drag and drop feature.

Is there a better way to achieve this? Or is there a feature on the roadmap to allow the user to hide certain days?

Thanks for the help.

Hi @Brady_St_John :wave:

The closest you can get to achieve the desired view is by using the startDay and endDay properties of the Scheduler’s view option, as shown in this example, but this will handle only the start and end of the displayed range.
Skipping multiple days during the week is more challenging but I have a feature request for this functionality as well.
I am happy to add you to this list but to describe your case properly I need more details about your application.
What is the context?
Why do you need to skip Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the weekends?
Why is dragging important?

Waiting for your thoughts.

Hi @Brady_St_John :wave:

We recently started to work on this topic and would be useful to have the full context on your application.
What is the justification of hiding Tuesday and Thursday on the weekdays?
