Grouping of events in Timeline View

is there a way to group several events and display the group by one single event, like with daypilot:
Concurrent Event Groups - Scheduler | DayPilot Documentation - Scheduling Components for JavaScript, Angular, React and Vue


Hi Michael :wave:

Grouping multiple events and displaying as a single event is not natively supported but there were others asking for similar functionality.
We have a feature request created to handle this topic and I’m happy to add your voice to it.

Will keep you updated on the progress.

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Hi Michael :wave:

It’s me again, Előd from Mobiscroll team :slightly_smiling_face:
Following up to learn more about you application.
How the event grouping functionality will help you?
What are you using it for?
Having the context we can be sure that the improvement will fit your specific needs as well.



In my specific case I want to have a parent event which holds children events.
The start of the first child and end of the last child defines the start / end of the parent. I want to be able to expand the parent event by a button in the event-html, which shows then the underlying children events and hides the parent event. When dragging the parent event, the children events should be dragged too.

I think this example shows it quite well, despite it is lacking a collapse (hide the children events) and expand (show the children events) function:
Bryntum Scheduler Pro - Nested events with drag-n-drop support

Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time and sharing additional details about about the expected behaviour. The information is added to the feature request.

Will keep you updated.

Hello @Michael2 :wave:

We have just shipped Mobiscroll 5.31 which introduces a similar example: