Fit monthly timeline into screen

Hi Mobiscroll team,

Is there a way to fit all day-cells into screen when timeline-month mode in turned on? With a standard configuration few days in month are outside screen, so users should scroll rigth-left o view all events in a month. Our test users found it very inconvenient…

Hi @Tomas_Masiulis :wave:

At the moment this is the default behavior and the only way to override this is whit custom CSS:

.mbsc-timeline-header-column {
  width: auto;

However, this isn’t the best solution because in the case of small screens the names of the day will not fit and the header will look ugly.

Thanks for the answer.
Do you have an option to remove day names from a header row? It would be enough to have only numbers

No worries @Tomas_Masiulis :wink:

Yes, you can remove by overwriting the dayNamesShort option :point_down:

dayNamesShort: [' ‘, ’ ‘, ’ ‘, ’ ‘, ’ ‘, ’ ‘, ’ ’]