Eventcalendar Popover styling on MUI6

Hi, I’m having trouble with my migration from Mui4 to Mui6 due to the different approach of creating styles. Is there a way to make the view.popover.popoverClass on Eventcalendar work the same from Mui4 to Mui6 where you can just assign the style there? I can’t seem to put a parent class for it since the popover is rendered outside the element so I can’t modify the layout of the classes inside the popover. I’m quite stucked here. Help would really be appreciated. Thank you so much!

Hi Jude,

I’m not familiar with Mui, so I’m not fully understand the problem here. If you could share a working example or at least a screenshot visualizing the issue would help a lot understanding this problem.

In case of the Eventcalendar side, you can use the cssClass option, to define a unique css class to the top container of the component.

Hi, thanks for your response. About your solution, it targets only the event calendar. The popover (which we want to modify the styles) is a separate element from the calendar thus we cannot target it with class. Btw, already solved this issue by creating a global css class and just targeting it and modify the style in there. Thanks