Error in Mobiscroll Timeline connections

There’s an issue when passing connections to timeline.

Currently using the latest version 5.29.0

It happens when a connected event is in the current view

I’ve already used the sample data on the docs.

            arrow: false,
            color: 'red',
            cssClass: 'my-test-class',
            from: 137,
            to: 13,
            type: 'fs',
            arrow: false,
            color: 'rgb(255,69,0)',
            from: 1,
            to: 6,
            type: 'ss',

Hi @Zsombor any ideas on this issue? thanks

Hi @jayson.daquer23,

I’ve tried to re-create this error but so far it is not appearing on my side.
Can you please share the full initialization code of Timeline component? So I can have some more details on the usage and maybe some there other option is also affecting this error.