Display events as overlapping on week schedule view?

The primary view that I usually use the event calendar for is the schedule view, and I’ve noticed something that I find very frustrating. When there are many events occurring at the same time, there are only two options: either they squeeze all in right next to each other, or they can be hidden behind a button that opens a popup. However, I don’t like either of these options. Showing all of the events (even just 4 or 5) makes them virtually unreadable, and using a popup makes it harder to access the events.

The way that Google Calendar - and FullCalendar (shhh) - do it is much more usable and looks a lot better. The events intelligently overlap so that they aren’t squeezed as much horizontally, and are more visible.

Google Calendar


This would be a great feature to have - I really don’t want to switch away from Mobiscroll but this is a killer feature.

Hello Yaakov,

Displaying overlapping events by intelligent stacking is not supported for now but there were others asking for the same functionality.
We have a feature request created for this topic and I’m happy to add your voice to it.

Will keep you updated on the progress.

Hello, Do you have a timeline for when this will be available?

Hello, We don’t have an ETA for when this will be improved.

But don’t worry, when we have any news about this, I’ll let you know.