Display 2 calendars vertically


On my mobile app, I have created a range calendar, with some of the settings:

	mobiscroll.settings = {
		theme: "windows"
		,lang: "en-UK"
		,setOnDayTap: true
		,showLabel: false
		,min: "today"
		,yearChange: false
		,showOuterDays: false
		,display: "bottom"
		,layout: "liquid"
		,months: 1
		,cssClass: "calmobile"
		,calendarScroll: "vertical"

My issue is I want to display 2 months, but not horizontally, but instead one on top of the other, so 2 calendars display and can vertical scroll through. How do I achieve that?

Hello @Seyi_Awofadeju :wave:

Good question :wink:
Currently the multiple month display is only available in horizontal scroll mode.
You can see a demo for that here, but this is not supported in vertical scroll at the moment.
I would be more than happy to pass this on to the product team and add your voice to it.
Feel free to share additional information that helps me describe the use-case in detail.

Hello, sorry for revive the older post.
I’m watching your demo (we have your library in production) and i want to know if it´s possible to do this

Insert the next month while the user is moving in mobile.

Thank you

Hello @Hector_di_payaso :wave:

It’s not possible at the moment to show/ insert the month names while navigating between the two months. But, as you can see, in the header the month name is immediately updated when the navigation is over.

While it is not supported at the moment, I would be more than happy to pass this on to the product team and add your voice to it. Feel free to share additional information that helps me describe the use-case in detail.

Thank you for your response.
The use-case is pretty simple, imagine a travel company and give the user the chance to pick up a date for his travel. When the user choose the departure date (01/01/2021) and scroll down a little to select the return date you won´t be able to know for sure if he’s in march, august or june. unless he stop looking at the scroll and many users won’t do that because they will follow the scroll with their eyes. It would be just a visual aid to the movement of their finger
That would be the case, hope you can understand my english :rofl:

Thank you

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This is completely understandable, thank you very much for the explanation @Hector_di_payaso :wink: I will add your voice to a feature request.