Decimal Numpad with freeform

I have some problems with the Numpad in freeform entry mode.

If I pass a integer to the Numpad its always shown as 29, with comma (see the image below). But I expect that the number will be shown as 29,00. I tried many ways to initalize (setVal()), but its always with a comma and zero decimals. I have this issues only with full integer values, for float values its shown normally(e.g 29,01). But I need this numpad for both cases, so I cant deactivate the scale.

Furthermore, I noticed when I’m not using setVal() and entering 29,00 pressing “OK” and reopen the numpad its shown as 29,00.

Im using the version 4.10.3 at the moment.

Thanks alot.

numpadSettings: MbscNumpadDecimalOptions = {
  theme: 'ios',
  lang: 'de',
  entryMode: 'freeform',
  maxScale: 2,
  scale: 2,
  min: 0,
  display: 'center',
  max: 99999,

  onShow: (event, inst) => {
     // inst.setVal(29);  // Display: 29,
    // inst.setVal(29.00) / Display 29,
    //  inst.setVal(parseFloat("29.00").toPrecision(2)) => Display 29,
    //  inst.setVal(parseFloat("29.00").toFixed(2)) => Display 29,


Hi @Christian_Schild :wave:

It is a bug in the 4.10.3 version, but this was fixed in the next version. As I see, your maintenance is expired but, if you would like to get access to the newer versions of Mobiscroll, you have to renew your maintenance as follows: Account–>Licenses–>Renew maintenance now.