Changing year/month on V5 scheduler is buggy on mobile

If I try to change the year and / or month on the V5 scheduler on my Android phone the month selector appears blank. Note that this is not a problem on my Windows desktop, only on my Android phone.

The scheduler renders fine.

Click on the month/year and I can select a new year

I select the year 2021 and the next page is blank

I can click on the blank page and it selects a month so I feel like the months are there, I just can’t see them.

Also, I can’t make the month/year selector disappear by tapping away from it. I can only make it go away by making a selection. I feel like tapping away from it should make it disappear as well. Is that a bug, or is that by design?

Could you please share the exact Android version and browser version where this happens?
Also, if possible, please provide access to a demo account / staging server to your app, where we can reproduce this. You can open a support ticket for that.

I submitted a support ticket.