Cancel drag & drop on the onEventDragEnd event

After dragging an event, on the onEventDragEnd method, I have a custom check if it’s possible to drag the event to the target time or not.
(I have to check it on live dragging because it’s for specific objects with specific properties that can be changed)
If my custom check says it’s not possible so I need to have the ability to cancel the drag&drop and to go back to where it was or to have the previous event with the old time so I can manually do it.
how can that be achieved?

Hi Hadas!
You should use the onEventUpdate method. You have access to oldEvent and event (the actual, modified event) objects. If based on your criteria you do not want to update to the “new” event, just return false and the specified event will jump back to it’s original position. I hope it helps :wink:

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