Hello, I faced some issues with year view of calendar picker.
So my goal is to display maximum 3 or 4 months per row, but, since library automatically grouping several months into containers on bigger resolutions, I can’t fix this by using css only, is there a way to rewrite that logic and set max calendar-row width / calendar-grid width / items per row?
What I got (2 containers with 6 or more items):
Hello @Internal_Development,
To meet this requirement, you can manage the maximum width by wrapping the Datepicker component in a contaner div. Here’s a straightforward example:
<div className="mbsc-col-8">
<Datepicker display="inline" calendarType="year"/>
This will work, thanks.
How I didn’t think about that, probably tried to resize wrong container…
But I can’t understand how to solve another issue with lower resolutions…
As you can see there is still room for 3 calendars, but there are only 2 of them per row, I’ve set calendar max-width to 276px with css, is there a way to fix that? Or am I doing something wrong?
Hello @Internal_Development,
I looked into the problem. Currently, we don’t support making the calendars narrower in the year view.
Therefore, you can’t resolve the issue if you set a max-width. Sorry for the inconvenience.
That’s fine, thanks a lot for your answers