Async Methods to create event

Hi there,

I am just looking for an option to create an event based on some async operations in the timeline view after drag drop.

The idea is to have a prompt taking user action to allow drop. Right now only passing false prevents the drag but I need an async method to handle it.

I have a complex calculation and cannot setstate and filter data as it can be expensive.

      onEventCreate={async (event) => {
            return await addEventToMap(event);


Hi @Kashan_Saleem

So, are you dragging an event from an external list into the event calendar? Just trying to understand the workflow a bit better. Could you explain the use case in more detail? Also, could you share some more of your current code how you’re trying this?


As per this example two-synchronized-timelines I want to take some confirmation from user and also need to show some warnings before allowing to drop event to other timeline.


Hi @Kashan_Saleem

I’ve tried the demo you mentioned. My idea is to create the event using the async function (where the event is passed as a parameter) and immediately return false right after the async call. Here’s the sample I tried in that demo:

const handleEventCreate = useCallback((args) => {
    // async operation, simulating 1000ms delay
    const createEvent = async (event) => {
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
      setFlights((current) => [...current, event]);
    // return false to prevent the default behavior, creating the event immediately
    return false;
  }, []);

Let me know your thoughts on this approach.


Thank you for the solution. I am already following a similar approach, but my issue is that I don’t want to use setFlights, as I am performing complex calculations to display overlapping flights and other computations that I prefer not to re-run.

Since I can drag and drop in both timelines, I would need to maintain two separate states and additional calculations which is not preferable.

However, this could be solved easily if a built-in async method existed.

Hi @Kashan_Saleem

Thanks for the feedback! There isn’t any built-in way to use async in onEventCreate like the example you shared initially. Apologies, but I still don’t see the complete flow of what’s happening. Could you share more details about the heavy calculations and the overall flow?